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Bouquet of Flowers



Well, here we are! Never in a hundred years would I have thought I would be writing a blog. The idea came to me late, late one night, wondering what I was being called to do, and lo and behold, this idea popped into my head! I knew that God had given me a passion for music, and I needed to be using that passion. I prayed over it (a lot) and this blog is the result! I hope that if you are reading this, it will help strengthen your relationship with God, just as it has strengthened mine.


Let me begin by telling you a bit about myself.


My name is Emily. I have lived in Southern Alberta for my entire life. I have an incredible husband, Devon and we have been blessed with two adorable children, Claire and Grant!

One major thing about me: I LOVE music! Music is a huge part of my life, and my main passion. It has helped me through some really rough patches and through some of my biggest joys. If I'm not designing buildings (I work for an architect) or spending time with my family, there's a good chance you can find me, latte in hand, looking through YouTube in search for a new favorite song.


It is my prayer that while we explore these songs, we will learn more about God and his promises to us. Maybe I'll introduce you to a new favorite song, who knows? Are you ready? Let's dive in!

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